Be Wise. Stay Wise.

This is a place where the pursuit of biblical wisdom meets practical living.

Recognizing the need to bridge the gap between biblical wisdom and its practical application in our everyday lives, my mission is to inspire and guide you on a journey toward a life marked by wisdom, integrity, and purpose.

This is where we can quickly understand and apply Wisdom In All Things

1 Kings Solomon's missteps

Subscribe to get articles, quotes, and spotlights on biblical wisdom sent to you every Sunday morning to help you understand and apply wisdom in all things. 

Let all that you do be done in love

Let all that you do be done in love

Be strong

be strong

Act like men

act like men

Stand firm in the faith

Stand firm in the faith

Be Watchful

Be watchful

words of wisdom

“Faith is reason gone courageous.”
– John Gardner


Wisdom In All Things Special Series

From deeper drives to spotlights, these products and articles explore more deeply key aspects of understanding and applying wisdom.

Benjamin Franklin’s
13 Virtues
(e-book + audio)

Living wisely means living virtuously, embodying the qualities championed by this esteemed American statesman.

Drawing inspiration from Paul’s letter (Phil. 4:8) and Benjamin Franklin’s quest for virtuous living, this $8 e-book and audio set aims to explore and put into practice these virtues as we exercise Wisdom In All Things.

Solomon’s Missteps, Misuses, and Just Plain Misses

Having a good understanding of biblical wisdom should certainly include a close look at the life of King Solomon.

He is both a good example of understanding and applying wisdom, as well as a good example of what it looks like to not understand or apply wisdom.

This special series will help us see that we do have a “kindgom” of sorts where God’s wisdom is required in order to properly care for those God has entrusted to us.

Right Life

By pursuing our best life, we may entirely miss the life we were called to live. Which, I would call: the right life.

Living your best life is best for you. Living the right life is best for everyone. The right life is a life that is intentionally infused and directed by wisdom. And it starts with a decision.

Am I ready and willing to receive wisdom?

Wisdom In All Things

In case this makes getting wiser a little easier, you can listen to the Wisdom In All Things podcast from your favorite podcast source.

How would you define wisdom?

“Biblical wisdom is the ability to apply God’s revealed truth to everyday situations, resulting in a life that is marked by godly character and fruitful service to others.”

– Dr. Kenneth Berding, Professor of New Testament at Talbot School of Theology
Become a Wise Guy
Subscribe to get articles, quotes, and spotlights on biblical wisdom sent to you every Sunday morning.