EXPOSE | Taking It to the Mat
“There are times when God only releases his blessings on us after a season of prolonged and even painful wrestling with him.” – Jon Bloom
EXPLORE | Want vs. Like
There are two settings where I think the dramatic difference between wanting something and simply liking it can most easily be seen: business and dieting. Who hasn’t either been with, or at least aware of, an organization that sounded like they really wanted to grow, but in reality, it was only that they “liked the idea” of it. If only liking the idea of something brought about the desired results. Because I would really like to eat ice cream without consequence. Never has liking the idea of something resulted an any real difference. On the other hand, truly wanting it makes all the difference.
“Then he said, “Let me go, for the day has broken.” But Jacob said, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.” And he said to him, “What is your name?” And he said, “Jacob.” Then he said, “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel, for you have striven with God and with men, and have prevailed.” – Gen. 32:26-28
Nothing like a good tussle. And in this case, Jacob was past liking the idea and truly wanted God to respond. So much so, that even though God physically weakened him (dislocated hip), he remained physically, and spiritually, persistent–until he received what he wanted.
EXECUTE | No Wrestling Match, No Blessing
Wrestle God? It seems pretty desperate, doesn’t it? There are no worse odds. However, in these instances, the victory in wresting God is in demonstrating “that which fills the heart”. Your heart’s desire compels you to climb, in spite of the size of the mountain–against all odds. You cross through “liking the idea” to “wanting it with all your heart, soul, and mind.” At that point, you’d wrestle anyone. Even God (as silly as that sounds).
Dena Johnson Martin, in her article, How Wrestling with God will Change You Forever, mentions this verse from Job:
“I had heard rumors about You, but now my eyes have seen you.” – Job 42:5
“Liking the idea of something” is like hearing a rumor. It is off in the distance, with a great deal of separation between you and reality. It isn’t until you see it firsthand that it is known, and made real.
That is what I am challenging us with today: take a step beyond “liking the idea” of getting something from God, to “really wanting” something from God. Experience the dimension of knowing that comes from seeing your desire through, even sweating it up on a mat. Psalm 34:8 also supports this idea of knowing, as we “taste and see that the Lord is good”.
Is it time to “take it to the mat”? Passivity misses the favor of God.
Further Reading:
How wrestling with God will change you forever
Photo by Martin Kníže on Unsplash